Friday, November 28, 2008

Day 5 - A BIG Decision

Hello Everyone,

Here is the letter I just sent to all the Boot Campers. It speaks for itself. I will still be here Blogging daily...
Yesterday morning I got up and spent almost 3 hours thinking and journaling. I did my annual Thanksgiving letter but then I just kept going - analyzing, pondering and deciding just how I can be the most value to every single one of you. When I got done I sat back and looked at what I had written, and then started thinking how I was going to communicate it to all of you. :)

My BIG DECISION is that I will be of most value to all of you if I do not officially DO Boot Camp. Can I build a team? Yep. So far it's 148,000 and counting. :) I got my 5 each for the first 3 days of Boot Camp. I'm signing up 2 World Changers today. It's not a question of whether I can do it - it's a question of whether I should.

I had to think about how I could best serve all of you. I realized having more time to read and respond to Blogs, more time to call each of you, more time to create more tools for you to use, and more time to utilize the power of what you are doing to help EVERY member would be the best use of my time. I don't want to be frantically running out to bring people in and then having less the right amount of time to help them - because I'm committed to helping all of you. I can carve the hours out of my day to do the Boot Camp expectations but doing it takes time away from all of YOU.

I struggled with my decision because I was afraid it would prompt some of you to say, "Well, if Ginny can't do it, maybe I can't either." Or, "Well, if Ginny isn't going to keep her commitment, why should I?" I thought about these for a while and realized my only responsibility is to make the decision that is best for all of you, and for the rest of the company. Each of you has to take the responsibility for your own life and for your own decisions.

I remember when I first created My Power Mall. 7 out of what were then 10 Management officers were less than enthusiastic - with a couple of them adamently opposed. I talked to them for a long time and then said, "All of you get to choose. You can still run the Shop For Charity Day division of the company. I will get an entire new team of people to help me create My Power Mall if I need to. You get to choose what you're going to do but I am going to create My Power Mall!"

Thankfully, every one of them came onboard but I was serious. I just knew what I had to do. As you move forward with Boot Camp, you need to make the same decision for yourself. WHY did you make the commitment? Even if every member of the Boot Camp quit, would you continue forward - knowing what you want for your life, and knowing you have the vehicle to take you there? If the answer is, "Yes, Ginny!" then you can not fail!

So, I am here - offering even more support because I am not distracted by anything else. Well, there is the little issue of running the company :), but I can handle all that. I have some things I'm working on now, and am going to be testing things here locally that I want to share with all of you. I will be on every call. I will continue to send letters. You're not getting rid of me... :)

It's so simple. Share My Power Mall with 5 people a day and follow up with each one. That's it. Do that every day and you will achieve all you dream of creating. I will cheer you on and help you every step of the way.

Jacki will continue with you - it's her job. :) We will all continue to learn together - sharing successes, struggles and lessons learned!

I believe in you!


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Day # 2 has come and gone...

Good morning World!

What a joyful day yesterday was. Joyful, stretching, challenging, fun and long... I had great plans for watching the finale of Dancing With The Stars last night. I've only had time to see a couple nights of it this season but I love it! It came on at 9:00 (scheduled for 2 hours). I think I saw about 15 minutes before I was sound asleep. I had to go online to found out who won. :) I wasn't needed - my first choice won! :) All's well that ends well...

Sometimes I get to the end of a day, look back and think, is it really possible for so much to happen? My day began with reading everyone's Blogs. What a fabulous experience! The stories, the challenges, the laughs, the heartfelt sympathy for their fears, and the loud cheers as I read how they overcame and DID what they committed to do! If it was possible to be any more committed to these 25 people than I already am, I was after I read their Blogs. I encourage all of you to read everyone's Blogs who is on this adventure. You wil be inspired, challenged, and motivated to DO whatever it takes for you to achieve your goals with My Power Mall and with your life!

Yesterday was rather intense. I had two Boot Camp Calls and lots to do in handling different areas of the company. I also had the joy of speaking with a brand new member who joined my Team! Joyful, but also sobering as I saw again the challenges so many people here in America are facing. A couple - 63 & 65 - could never have guessed 3 years ago when they were very successful that they would be facing life and retirement BROKE, with only $1500 a month coming in from a meager retirement and Social Security. They are wondering how to pay their mortgage and car payment, and only have $100 in the bank.

I listened to their story and told them they had joined at the perfect time and that our first order of business was to get them making money. You won't be surprised to know I directed them to the My Power Mall World Changer Reality Boot Camp, and told them to be on last night's call. I know that any person who wants to succeed can do it if they will follow what we're doing! My heart ached for them but I was also so excited to know they have found their answer!

I had another great conversation with a wonderful 70+ year old woman who joined several months ago, fell ill, spent time in the hospital but is now back at it - wanting to know how to get moving again. Dawn has a Foundation that has founded and funded orphanages all around the world and still has so much to do with her life. She is committed to creating the funding she needs through My Power Mall. Needless to say, I dropped everything to help her! What a joy to talk with her!

In the midst of everything I still had to get my 5. I left the house at 3:30 looking less than my best (okay, I probably looked scary in my baseball cap and jean jacket but there was no time to do anything different because shower time was taken up talking to Dawn!). I strategized how to take the 30 minutes I had available to best use. I blew in to my Chiropractor's office, told the 4 people working there it was high time for them to understand what I did and that I knew how much they needed My Power Mall - and besides I needed their help! I asked THE QUESTION! They all listened. See, though I hadn't shared My Power Mall with them yet I really did know how much they needed it because I had gotten to know THEM over the past 2 months. I handed them my Invitation cards, got their information and had 4 taken care of! But I still needed one more. I turned around to look at the one man sitting in the lobby. He'd heard everything of course. :) He laughed, said, "Hey, sure I'm interested." I could have kissed him! Come to think of it, maybe that would have made the followup a slam dunk! :) I got his information, blew back out, drove home and got here 7 minutes before the 5:00 Boot Camp Call. Today I will follow up with everyone.

And now I need to read everyone's Blogs and get ready for this morning's Boot Camp call. I LOVE sharing this adventure with 25 amazing people and Jacki Varacalli. Jump in - the water is great! If you're wondering if you can do this - YOU CAN! If you wondering if you're too busy - YOU'RE NOT. If I can do it, anyone can. If you're wondering if it's really possible to have Financial freedom with My Power Mall - YOU CAN!!

I believe in you!!


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Whew! What a wild 24 hours!

Wow! What a day yesterday but most especially - what a great morning so far today. I have just had the privilege of reading, and responding to, all the Blogs from the 25 Participants who are sharing My Power Mall with 5 people a day. As I roll through the day I'm also excited to read from the Alternates - people who are perhaps showing even more commitment because they are fulfilling all the obligations and TO DO's while not getting any of the spotlight. They simply want to build their business. My hat is off to them!

Did I get my 5 yesterday? Yes, but by the time the day ended I could hardly hold my head up. :) So what?? I achieved my goal along with the rest of you - and I pretty much followed the scenario I laid out for you yesterday morning!

I got my first two at the print shop, 2 more at the grocery store while I was buying a muffin and looking at flowers, and then picked up my last one at the gas station. I didn't need gas but I needed 1 more. :) It was so easy to talk to people when I just focused on "The Question". If you're reading this and you don't know what that is, just listen to the recording of the first call or read the transcript. We've made it all available for you at

This is what I know... Just from 27 people yesterday, 135 new people heard about My Power Mall. 135 new people discovered there is an answer to their financial struggles. 135 people discovered they can make money just by spending the money they spend every day ANYWAY. That is the true magic of My Power Mall!

My 5 Magic Power Beans are going back in my pocket today and I will be back out there once I get everyone else taken care of. And who says I have to stop at 5? This is my life, my business, and my dreams I'm making come true. And, I know that I am SURROUNDED by people who need what My Power Mall has to offer. I don't want to keep it from anyone. My job today is to spread HOPE to people who are scared, stressed and looking for answers.

How cool is that??


Sunday, November 23, 2008

And so the Adventure Begins...

I'm told that when you're the Founder & CEO, and that when something is your idea, that you should express no fear. Hogwash! As we balance on the edge of leaping into the next 60 Days, I have so many emotions... Excitement. Terror. Nervousness.

Excitement because I completely believe Jacki Varacalli and I can take 25 people to $2000 in 60 Days with My Power Mall. If I didn't believe it, I wouldn't have committed to doing it!

Terror because I'm human and it's scary to think we might fail. Every day of my life I am driven by the philosophy of "Feel The Fear and DO IT Anyway!" This is no exception. I also know all of the 25 people who are joining us are feeling the same terror. :)

And nervousness because for the last 20 months (since launching My Power Mall on March 19, 2007) I have been totally consumed with just running this rapidly growing company - putting in standard 18 hour days to keep up with all that is going on. I'm nervous at the thought of adding more to my plate. I'm nervous at the thought of getting back out "into the field" and building a team. I'm nervous at the thought of can I do all this and still give everyone and everything in my life what is deserved.

But... my overall feeling is one of just intense excitement! We have chosen 25 wonderful people with a passion to change their life, change the lives of the people they touch, and change the world along the way. I am going to have a such a great time working with them, getting to know them, and empowering them to fulfill their dreams and create financial freedom.

I've got about a million things to do before I meet with them on the phone for the first time tomorrow morning at 8:00 AM so I better get to it. Anyone in the world is welcome to listen in on our calls. All 25 participants get to choose between 2 daily calls - at 8:00 AM (Pacific Standard Time) and 5:00 PM (Pacific Standard Time). To hear their daily challenges and victories just dial in to 212-990-4000 (5015#)